Wednesday, 19. October 2011

Help Ron spend Christmas with his mum

Today, I´m trying to help my friend Ron, who´s been travelling almost without money for the last two years. He´s in Europe right now, wishing to spend this Christmas with his mum back in Guatemala.

Here is his message:

So, after being in Europe for more than a year and spending Chirstmases with awesome people I think it's time I spend the Christmas with the woman I love the most: my lovely mum.
I know 700$ is a lot of money (it's about 500€) but the ticket is expensive and I want to buy her a nice present.
You can donate 1€, 2€, 5€, 100€! ok, maybe not a hundred but whatever your budget allows you to. EVERY single euro is VERY welcome!
In return I will send the photos and videos of the reunion.

I hit the moneyless road practically two years ago. I left Guate with 400$. I hitchhiked my way through Centeal America to the States where I worked to earn enough to travel to Europe. There, I completely ran out of money and had to figure how to survive because I came with a one way ticket. Ever since I've been traveling almost without money. Always hitchhiking, CSing, sstaying in strangers houses, everywhere night caught me. If you want the detailed story, you can check out my blog:"

If you want to contribute, just click below!


or an attempt to escape money

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phaenomenal - 21. Oct, 04:23
Where r u from??
Where r u from??
dalrel (guest) - 19. Oct, 23:23
Help Ron spend Christmas...
Today, I´m trying to help my friend Ron, who´s been...
phaenomenal - 19. Oct, 22:47
phaenomenal - 11. Oct, 06:28
Aguardiente must have erased my memory....
phaeno (guest) - 7. Oct, 02:19




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