Thursday, 21. April 2011

Hippies, aliens, and a fantastic game city

Together with Emmanuel, I decided to leave the city and go for some nature. A friend told us about this village called Bugarach in the Corbières, the pre-Pyrenees. Some kind of rainbow people where supposed to hang out there, so we wanted to go and see ourselves.

I didn't have a clue what's going to expect me up there, but checking google only made me more curious about going there. Almost as soon as we left the highway, we started to hear those rumours with our proper ears: The end of the world is not going to take place in 2012 - NO - but on April 18th, 2011, the day we arrived. The magical Pic de Bugarach though, is supposed to be inhabiteded by extraterrestials, that would come and save their believers.

It was full moon at that date, that's why people were supposed to be gathering around that place. The closer we got, the more evidence we encountered. Huge colourful hippi busses, people that live in the woods, foreigners having moved here for "the energy of the place". We got excited about what's going to happen tonight. Will the aliens come to catch us? Will we survive the end of the world?

The truth is, we didn't find anything but a lonely frog. Well, not even this, as we only heared it, but didn't manage to catch it. The people living in Bugarach did "not know anything", and "never heard about those things before". Well.

After a rather cold night at the lakeside, we still wanted to try finding out more, and therefore headed to Cubières, where supposedly some people installed a Tipi village. Arriving there, we saw a guy walking along a road with his huge backpack and guitar. That must be a sign! So, Emmanuel started running after him, and it was. Charlie was on his way to the Yurt village, where he was going to wwoof for a while. We joined him, and were nicely welcomed by Louise and Maude. A bunch of people started a kind of permaculture eco-village there, living in Yurts. Very interesting, no aliens though :) They would have been happy to welcome us, but as they didn't make their planning for that many people, their food resources were scarce, and so we were going on....

On to... Carcassonne!!! As I used to play that game extensively for a while some years back, I was really curious to see the place in reality. And it exceeded all expectations. I'm not easily impressed, especially not by so-called "sights", but the Cité de Carcassonne was - I daresay - one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Maybe it was just because I felt like running around in a board game, but it was really cool.

Well, as we didn't have a place for the night yet, and Emmanuel didn't want to squat an abandonned building in the center, I decided to head to Toulouse before the night would fall. No deeper explorations of the walls and towers thus, but still..... I'm so glad I went there!


or an attempt to escape money

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