Sunday, 10. April 2011

From the ass through their holes, bitchtown, and sucktown to my ass and finally Lyon

As mentioned before, I decided in Marseille to participate in the
Funny Village Race #2 : Le concours d'autostop d'Evian, a hitchhiking race, more than 600 km across the alps, passing by wonderfully named villages.

About 30 people (15 teams) took part in this crazy but fun adventure. I hitched with Marie, a french girl living in Montpellier. And what else could I say than: We were awesome! First mistaking some directions, as we were basically hitching without a map, and being doubled by some of our most serious competitors, we eventually arrived in Lyon not as the first team, but the one who passed the most, and the most far away villages. As the only team, we reached as far as Puteville and Susville, even finding Montcul. But see yourself:

P090411_18-00 Susville Montcul

Unfortunately, we missed out Chatte (Pussy). Going to catch up with this on Wednesday :)


or an attempt to escape money

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